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We have been blessed by your attention to detail and previous experience, which has helped us move on more quickly.

Peter Hobday, Managing Director
PCD Maltron

Ergonomic Keyboard Solution

PCD Maltron are a manufacturer of the world's most advanced range of ergonomic keyboards, offering ideal typing solutions for a variety of needs (RSI, single-handed, etc.).

 PCD Maltron's Ergonomic Keyboard

The company wanted to extend the usefulness of their keyboards even further with the creation of a new range of keyboards using an enhanced PIC based PCB.

A recommendation put Managing Director, Peter Hobday, in touch with Xitek and an excellent rapport and understanding of the project was quickly formed.   We worked closely with the customer's in-house team to produce an effective solution at lower than expected costs, which was designed, prototyped, tested and manufactured by Xitek, and will very soon be included in every new keyboard.

Peter wrote to us, "We have been blessed by your attention to detail and previous experience, which has helped us move on more quickly.  I think the old adage, 'It's nice to play with nice people' is very appropriate, and makes a refreshing change!"